就在 2019 年, 正式進入國立故宮博物院, 成為最新一期的導覽志工。而在一次故宮戶外活動的服務支援場合中,認識了同樣在故宮服務的玉樹大哥。當時,玉樹大哥親切熱心的建議我參加英語導遊的考試,讓更多的外國朋友可以有機會來認識故宮,也能藉此參訪更多台灣美麗的景點。

    也因為這樣的因緣際會下,在2020年,再查了一下網路資訊後,我參加了由台北市職能發展學院所開設的【穆斯林旅遊班】【城市導覽員】【領隊導遊考照班】等多項職前訓練的課程。同時間,也因此認識了在台北市職能學院負責課程承辦的小真老師。小真老師親切負責,課程內容多樣與實用。她也建議我同時間報名外語領隊與外語導遊的考試 (一鼓作氣一次考完 ) 。於是於2020年,在浸淫了幾次的職前訓練的課程之後,我報名了2021年的英語領隊與英語導遊的國家考試。 



    很幸運,2021年通過了英語領隊與英語導遊的筆試, 在2021年外語領隊職前受訓的課程結束後,我正式也拿到了外語領隊的職業證。而在疫情的影響下,2021年底才進行且通過了在考試院舉辦的英語導遊的口試,雖然因疫情影響,但還是順利了通過了口試,且報名了外語導遊的職前訓練課程。當然,因為 COVID-19的影響,外語導遊的職前訓練開課程也一再延宕 (真是辛苦了主辦的導遊協會),終於在2022年三月份,外語導遊職前訓練班由中華民國觀光導遊協會主辦,於實踐大學開課啦! 因為是夜間假日班,所以課程的安排是在平日晚上與週六週日假日進行。而原本也在台北市天文館擔任導覽志工的我,本來預計在寒假要支援天文館的墾丁營與戶外營隊,也因應疫情的關係而取消了活動,因此我才選擇了夜間假日班進行外語導遊的職前訓練。



   這是一個為期一個月的課程,來上課的同學因為大部分白天都有工作,所以選擇夜間假日班來上課。同學來上課的很辛苦,不過職前課程內容豐富多元。印象有原住民文化介紹課程,在當堂課程結束後, 還親自跟老師分享了正在故宮展出的原住民展覽,以及多年前,因為看了老師在東森電視台的原住民部落介紹的節目,立馬跟著當時的研究所同學,一同探訪竹東尖石鄉【鎮西堡部落】的往事。另外,廟宇文化的課程也印象深刻,老師還分享了很棒的電子書給學員們參考,這都將是以後台灣廟宇文化介紹的最佳素材,也感謝當堂老師的精采分享。



【1. National Palace Museum – Jade】


Art in Quest of Heaven and Truth : Masterpieces of Jade in the museum collection 敬天格物 / Permanent exhibit exhibition area 306, 308

  • Bi disc and Cong square

When you walk into the Jade exhibition room, you will see the Bi-disc for 4000 to 5000 years ago, that come from 龍山 culture. The Bi disc represent the concept and worldview for ancient people, they treat the shape of the sky is the round shape,

The shape of the land is the square shape. The sun, moon and all the stars in the night is rising from the east and falling down to the west and circuiting day by day.

And we also saw some jade pendant that with the bird shape. Why the bird jade pendant demonstrate with the Bi disc? The bird is the messenger between the heaven and the people.    

  • Jade Cong Tube

Late Liangzhu culture BC2500-2000

it’s one of the national treasure, (national treasure, Important Antiquities, General Antiquities)

A tall, Square,

with the patterns of small eyes as the center of the four corners, extending from top to bottom is a total of 17 small-eye masks carved on the pieces.

by the late Liangzhu culture,

  • Jadeite Cabbage is the handiceraft in late Qing Dynasty

It was carved to the shape of cabbage by using the jadeites natural color. The white part means “clean the white”. There are two insects on it, which means many children and many gradchildren

Concubine Jin (瑾妃) dowry (嫁妝) when she merry  Emperor Guangxu (光緒皇帝)

  • Meat Shaped Stone (肉形石)

Braised Pork

The craftsman create many tiny hole on its surface and dying the top layer to deep brown color

  1. 玉之靈 The Spirit of Jade
  2. 玉之德 The Virtue of Jade
  3. 玉之華 The Blossoms of Jade
  4. 玉之巧 The Ingenuity of Jade


【2. Guandu Nature Park】


Guandu Nature Park is located at Northern of the Taipei City, and it’s the junction area of the Tamshui River and Jilong River. Guandu is the important stopover site for the migration bird and the wetland preservation area in the Taipei City.

Welcome to Guandu Nature Park

No flower picking, damaging the vegetation, fishing or catching birds as well as other animals, liberating animals or other activities that disturb wildlife and others.

We are SMOKE FREE park. No smoking allowed in both indoor and outdoor areas.

Guandu Nature Park is situated in northern Taiwan at the junction of Tamshui River and Jilong River. Guandu is a major stopover site for migrating birds, especially waterfowls and shorebirds, as well as an important wintering and breeding ground for many species. 283 species of birds have been recorded at Guandu so far, qualifying this wetland as an Important Bird Area (IBA) recognized by Bird Life International.

  • Main Area

This area includes the visitor center, birdwatching cabins trails, and freshwater ponds. It provides habitation from the coastal wetland to low elevation forest of northern Taiwan. The area is suitable for outdoor classes, as well as leisure visit.

Northern Taiwan Low-elevation Forest Area

The vegetation here is representative of the subtropical forests of northern Taiwan

  • Nature Center

Facilities on the ground floor include displays, an auditorium, a conference room, exhibits, information desk, and a gift shop. Facilities on the second floor include an indoor observational area, a classroom, and a café.

South-east Birdwatching Area

  • Birdwatching Cabins

Designed to minimize the disturbance observers have on wildlife. Please reduce your volumes in the cabins.

  • Coastal Forest Area

The vegetation in this biome has evolved numerous adaptations to survive on the coast, where the salinity is high and the environment is harsh.

South-east Birdwatching Area

  • Crab Watching Area

A large mudflat area to observe the fiddler crabs (招潮蟹), mud skippers (彈塗魚) ,and waterfowls.


【3. Kinmen Tunnel Introduction】


Kinmen is a group of islands as a county located at southeastern coast of mainland China. It’s around 10km distance to the Xiamen in Fujian and separated by the Taiwan Strait to the island of Taiwan. Kinmen belongs to the Fujian province, but govern by Taiwan (the R.O.C.)

In Aug 23th 1958, the Kinmen has been bombarded by the China (the People liberation Army). Because it’s start to fired the shell to Kinmen on Aug 23th, it’s also call the 823 artillery battle or the 2nd Taiwan Strait Crisis

the total number of shells fired at Kimen exceeded 40,0000

becasue the artillery battle start on Aug 23th, it has been called “823 artillary battle” and “2nd Taiwan Strait Crisis”

  • Zhaishan Tunnel (翟山)

Zhaishan Tunnel (翟山) is the most famous one in Kimen

Every autumn, a series of music concerts is held inside the tunnel. To hear Chinese and Western classical music about the Kinmen Tunnel Music Festival.

Some of the very few remaining military vessels are on display.

The tunnel is 101 m (110 yd) in length, 6 m (20 ft) in width and 3.5 m (11 ft 6 in) in height. There are seven rooms inside. The tunnel features an A-shaped waterway.

the tunnel Built to hide vessels as the military usage.

This huge tunnel can accommodate forty-two vessels. For security purposes, it's U-shaped with 2 entrances and exits.

the Kinmen National Park took over the management of the tunnel. The tunnel was opened to the public. Near the entrance, there are toilets and a small café offering coffees, ice creams and light snack-meals.

Guided tours, 6 daily, lasting 20-30min (in Mandarin Chinese only)

Out of the many tunnels in Kinmen, Zhaishan Tunnel is the most famous one!

  • Jiugong Tunnel / 九宮坑道

nteresting informative displays include wax figures simulating scenes from when the tunnel was in active use.

This is a huge tunnel near the ferry terminal in Little Kinmen, well worth the boat ride over just to see it!

Tunnels were Kinmen's lifeline during the military period. Little Kinmen's Jiugong Tunnel It's a 5-min walk from the ferry terminal.

The tunnel was built in 1965 so that food and military supplies could be safely transported to Little Kinmen.

It stretches a long distance, connecting the coastline and a harbor through a mountain.

  • Jincheng Civil Defense Tunnel / 金城民防坑道

This especially long tunnel was built to link key strategic places such as banks and government offices in Kinmen's largest town.

It was exploited through the construction of tunnels across much of the islands' land area, providing strong defense and protective shielding from bomb attacks.

The Jincheng Civil Defense Tunnel was built in the late 1970s. It's a relatively long underground network that links the Jincheng bus station, Jincheng Post Office, Kinmen Power Company, Water Plant, County Government, Land Bank of Taiwan, etc. It takes about 45 min to walk through.

You can learn details about how this tunnel served for war preparedness by going up to the 2nd floor of the Jincheng bus station. There you'll see some introductory exhibits, and staff will help you get on the next guided tour.

【4. National Taichung Theater】


National Taichung Theater is located at Taichung city, the 西屯 district. The Taichung is the major city on the middle-west of Taiwan, so the National Taichung Theater is the most important art performance landmark in central Taiwan.

The Architect, Toyo Ito want to build a theater that “the architecture that can be listen to”. It means he want this building is be a part of every performance.

curved shape walls / mission impossible

  • Grand Theater
  • Playhouse
  • Black box
  • Corner Salon
  • Outdoor Theather
  • Tutu Gallery
  • Sky Garden

Grand Theater

The Grand Theater is a large, enticing space with a warm, red color chair for audiences.

Located on 2F of the NTT with seating capacity around 2000. The inner walls employ 3D-curved construction to ensure the best audio quality performance.


The flexible, multifaceted Playhouse has an ocean-blue interior.

Located on 2F, it has seating capacity around 800 , designed to reduce the distance between stage and audience. The design enables the theater to be flexible, inviting the audience into the middle of the performance stage, bringing new meaning to the “living arts.”

Sky Garden

Located on 6F, the Sky Garden is accessible via indoor elevators or staircase. When you enter, you find yourself in the middle of a galaxy, an ideal spot for outdoor concerts or film screenings.

Tutu Gallery

the Gallery space is highly flexible, suitable for exhibitions, performances and special events.

Black Box

Located on B2 with maximum seating capacity of 200, the Black Box can perform a variety of stage settings for experimental theater productions.

The theater’s black interior is framed by two straight walls and two curved walls. One of the walls can be open (by machine), linking the Black Box with the Outdoor Theater, providing a broad range of creative possibilities.

Outdoor Theater

Covering 1000 square meters, design with nature, poetry and romance, enhanced by trees around the theater. It can be used in conjunction with the Black Box, creating a setting for a one-of-a-kind performance stage.

Corner Salon

Located on 1F, this space bursts with creative brain power and boundless imagination, suitable for exhibitions, salon lectures and film screenings.

** We’ve built a theater for art and life, like the light, air and water that we cannot live without.

【5. Sizihwan Scenic Area 】


The Sizihwan Scenic Acera is located at Kaohsiung, Gushan District, is means the adjacent bay of the Taiwan Strait

an alternative name used by the poet Su Dongpo of the Song dynasty referring to the view in this scenic area is as beautiful as the lady. In Chinese word, we said” 欲把西湖比西子,淡妝濃抹總相宜. Because it located at west coat of Taiwan, it’s very famous for its sunset view.

Sizihwan Bay is known for its beautiful sunset and natural reefs

the area includes scenic spots like the Siziwan Beach, Seaside Park, and the former British Consulate at Takao

Takao is the old place name for Kaohsiung since from the Ming dynasty.

You can enjoy the view of the sea, or gaze over Kaohsiung Port

The British Consulate at Takao is a building in the British style which was constructed in 1879, and is situated beside Shaochuantou Wharf, with a mountain behind and the sea in front. It is the oldest extant modern Western building in Taiwan, and was also the first consulate the British government built in Taiwan. The consul's residence and consulate have been preserved in their entirety, as well as an old hiking trail which leads up the mountain. Here, where the sea and mountain meet, you can feast your eyes on Kaohsiung City, Cijin (Qijin) Fishing port and the fine scenery of Siziwan (The Sizih Bay).

The British Consulate at Takow

Sun-Yet Sen University secret beach

85 sky tower

Kaohsiung Port

Kaohsiung city view

【6. Alishan National Scenic Area】


The Alishan National Scenic Area is located at Chiayi County. The Alishan National Scenic Area is a mountain resort and nature reserve area at Chiayi County.

There are three major forest farm to cutting the giant wood when Japan occupied Taiwan , the 八仙 mountain in the Taichung county, the 太平 mountain in the Yilan county, and the Alishan mountain in the Chiayi County.

over the 100 years ago, the Japanese has discovered a red cypress tree that was over 3000 years old, located next to the Alishan Forest Railway's Sacred Tree Station. The Japanese honored it as the "Sacred Tree". The tree is 52 meters tall with a trunk diameter of nearly 5 meters, making it one of the largest giant trees in Alishan.

due to lightning and heavy rain, It was put down in 1998 for tourists to visit. In 2006, the Chiayi County Government and the Alishan Scenic Area Administration started a voting activity to select other sacred trees as the new landmark in the scenic area. The 45-meter tall, 2,300-year-old Xianglin Giant Tree received the highest number of votes and became the second generation of sacred tree.

The Formosa red cypress tree are allocated in three area, the northern American, Japan and the Taiwan. Taiwan is the southern boundary to watch the red cypress tree.

Fenqihu is a small town of low wooden buildings built into the mountainside at 1,400 meters, midpoint of the Alishan Forest Railway. It is famous for natural rock formations, mountain streams, forests, and the ruins of a Shinto temple in the vicinity, as well as for its production of high altitude food products such as bamboo shoots and aiyu jelly (愛玉). The local box lunches (奮起湖便當, Fenqihu bento) are known across Taiwan and are sold from stalls at the train station, the lunch box including the tea egg, dried tofu, and pork chop. It’s the traditional lunch box in Taiwan.

Trip to see the sunrise, you must get up earlier in the morning, is around 3 to 4 AM.

And take the train to the 祝山 train station, the first train will start on 4:00 in the summer time and 6:00 in the winter time. and it takes 30 mins to the 祝山 train station to wait for the sunrise. And you can see the see of cloud in the morning and the 塔山, the holy mountain for the 鄒族.

There are also several forest trail on the Alishan mountain that is worth to visit. The 特富野trail, it is around 6 km long, and will take 4 hours for a round trip. It’s the forest train railway to carry the Formosa red cypress.

Five Wonders of Alishan/ 阿里山五絕

Sunrise / Sea of cloud / Sunset / Forest / Railway

奮起湖 / 阿里山火車 /阿里山步道 / 鄒族

Alishan mountain tea – woolong tea

【7. Gaomei Wetlands】


The Gaomei Wetlands is located at Taichung City, the Qingshui District, nearby the and the exit to the Taiwan Strait of the Dajia River.

Wetland refers to the land between land and water that is covered by water throughout the year. Including the waters within six meters of water depth at low tide. Gaomei wetland is one of the most well-known and well preserved wetland natural environment in Taiwan. Every autumn and winter, a large number of migratory birds arrive. Whether it is a short transit or a season of winter


sunset - must see when you visit Taichung

When you take off your shoes and soak your feet in the wetland, it is a natural relaxing sensation. With the windmills on the background, the wetland scenery is a hot spot for photo shooting with the sunset view.

there is a biking routes is organized along the wetland,


Gaomei Wetlands is an excellent location for bird-watching

Migratory birds can be seen through different seasons

Blacked face spoon bill will come from north of the east Asia and wintering to Taiwan

Spoonbills are large water birds, with four wintering sites at Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Vietnam, as well as other places where they have been observed in migration, classified as an endangered species. The black-faced spoonbill population in the was recorded is around at 2000 to 3000 individuals

When you come to the Gaomei wetland, you have to let the Windmills and the sunset as the background to the photo-shooting. It will catch the beautiful moments

There are some area for visitor for the ecological observation, including the Fiddler Crab Observation Area, Long Live Big Eye Crab Observation Area, Coastal Plant Area

And you can go through the Wooden Plank Road toward to these observation areas.

Gaomei wetland is also the Reservation area for the wetlands environment.

The wetlands is an essential part of Taiwan, it preserve a wide variety of living creature.

And also the Taizhong County Government, 中研院, and Tunghai University are doing the research over the wetlands preservation area.

Stop by the near Wuci Harbor for the fresh seafood

Gaomei Wetland is located on the south bank of Dajia River in Qingshui District, Taichung City.

【8. South Penghu Marine National Park】


The South Penghu Marine National Park is the 9th establish National Park in Taiwan.

And it’s located between Wangan island and Chimei island of Penghu.

it consistes four main island, the Dongjiyu, Xijiyu, Donyupingyu, and Xiyupingyu

Volcano activities create the Penghu island, so there are many scenic spot that create from the effect of the volcano activities, such as the Basalt cliff

Dongjiyu is the largest island of the south pengu marine national part, it’s around 1.77 square km. it belongs to the 東吉 village, 望安county. the population is the largest one of these four island. It feaures with The Donggiyu light house, and it build since hundred years ago. Goat are the animal that cannt be igonred on this island. It has the visitor center over there, the former is  the東吉 senior high school. And there are some old western-style house and Japanese remain on this island

Xijiyu, it features with the basalt cliff around the coast line. You can take the ferry to watch the beautiful structure of the basalt cliff. And these is the famous scenic spot, the blue sea cave. It has the hole on the top of the cave, the sunlight will lighten the sea from the bottom of the blue cave. There are also a famous blue cave in Italy, so you cannot miss this famous scenic spot in Penghu. In the early years, the 西吉嶼 has hundreds of residents, but many of them has been relocated to other places.

Donyupingyu, you can go the front-mountain hill trail. standing at the top point to overlook the sea , it is the hand-made trial by voulteer in Penghu. 西吉嶼 is also a small finishing village.  It has two tower on this island, the池府tower nearby the west coast and 金龍 tower nearby the east coast , the local people are prey for god blessing, and wish the good harvest and peace. And there is the 池府 temple on this island, and it is the main belief center on this island. It also has the tourist service center over this island.


You can see the giant see stack on the coast of the 西嶼坪嶼,

For these four island, there are the water recreational activities from April to September

the these four southern islands is like the beautiful pearl scattered in the water of Penghu

【9. Taroko National Park 】


The Taroko Nation Park is the 4th establish national park in Taiwan

Taroko National Park is located in the east of Taiwan. It lies across 3 areas, Hualien County, Taichung City, and Nantou County. it’s the start point of the Cross-Island Highway from the eastern side.  The Taroko park features with high mountains and gorges. Many of its peaks tower above 3,000m in elevation, with many natural wonders. The spectacular Taroko Gorge and the scenic beauty of Liwu River can be conveniently viewed from the Central Cross-Island Highway.

  • Tunnel of Nine Turns

The trail is open west 700 meters and please take the same route back/30 minutes on foot for a round trip.

Rock fall might happen to this trail. For the rockfall section, please pass quickly.

No parking available at Tunnel of Nine Turns (Jiuqudong) Trail. Please take a public bus.

The Tunnel of Nine Turns (Jiuqudong) Trail used to be part of the old Central Cross-Island Highway and is the longest tunnel, and this Trail is the best part of Taroko Gorge. If you look down, you will see Liwu River and will astonished at this nature beauty. Again, be careful for the rockfall when you go through the Nine turn Tunnel.

  • Buluowan

Buluowan is divided into Upper Platfrom and Lower Platform

You can walk on a trail to visit the river valley from the Lower Platfrom.

you can go to the service station, exhibition halls to see both the arts and crafts of the Truku Tribe and multimedia presentations.

the Formosa lily is probably the main attraction for spring visitors to Buluowan, The lily season is from mid April to mid May

and you also can make a reservation for the mountain-moon suspending bridge. It’s the longest suspending bridge on the Taroko National park, and you can enjoy the beauty of the LiWu River. The suspending bridge is around 500 meters long. It is the accessible trial for the wheelchair or the baby carriage.

And Buluwan hotel is one of the best hotel in Hualien, and you can enjoy the wooden house living and the delicious local food in the hotel.

  • Zhuilu Old Trail (追鹿古道)

Most Dangerous Cliff in Taiwan | Zhuilu Old Trail (錐麓古道)

Visitors are required to apply for the permission in compliance for the entry and follow the rules.

Currently only 3.1 km(6.2 km for a round trip/5.5-6 hrs walking time required ) of the trail is open to hikers

Starting from Zhuilu Suspension Bridge and entrance is limited per day around 100 people on weekdays and 15 people on weekends and holidays.

Currently only 3km of the trail is open to the public. this trail is only open from 7am to 10pm.

Taroko means "human being," Taroko Gorge is the must-see beautiful scenic spot as in Taiwan

  • Taroko Shakadang Trail (Mysterious Valley Trail) 沙卡噹步道 (神祕谷步道)

his Level 1 trail is located close to the visitor center nearby the east gate of Taroko National Park.

The water of the river is a pure blue color. the trail provides visitors with views of unique rock formations. Shakadang Trail is especially suitable for casual hikers and families. there may be falling rocks along the way, so beware of this.

Large Observation Platform (觀景大平台) - Distance 1.1KM, around 50MINS roundtrip

5D Cabin (五間屋, Wujianwu) - Distance 1.5KM, around 1HR roundtrip

3D Cabin (三間屋, Sanjianwu) - Distance 4.5KM, around 2-4HR roundtrip

【10. The main rivers in Taiwan】


There are 129 rivers in Taiwan, most of them flow toward east or west

The Central mountains separate the Taiwan main river as the river on the west side and east side. The main rivers for the west sides, arrange from the north to the south is the Tamsui River, Dajia River, ZhuoShui River, and the Gaoping River. The main rivers for the east sides, arrange from the north to the south, is the Langyang River, Liwu River and the Xiuguluan River.

(淡水河 Tamsui River)

The Tamsui River is the 3rd longest river in Taiwan after the ZhuoShui River and Gaoping River, flowing through Taoyuan, Taipei, and New Taipei City. It’s located in northern part of Taiwan.

The Tamsui River begins from the Xindian River and Dahan River at the boundary of Taipei and New Taipei City

(大甲溪 Dajia River)

The Dajia River is the fifth-longest river in Taiwan, and it located in the north central of Taiwan. It flows through Taichung City. The source of Dajia is from the  Hsuehshan and Nanhu Mountain in the Central Mountain Range. The Dajia River flows through the Taichung City. The Deji Reservoir, provide the water and hydroelectric power.  Taiwan's Central Cross-Island Highway runs along the Dajia River from Heping to Dongshih

(濁水溪 ZhuoShui River)

濁水溪 ZhuoShui River is the longest river in Taiwan and cover a distance 203 km

It flows from its source in Nantou County. forming the border between Yunlin County

and Changhua County,  The river serves as the boundary between the north and south of Taiwan. TheZhuoShui River is the main production area for the Rice, we call as the ZhuoShui Rice, and it’s one of the best rice in Taiwan.

(高屏溪 Gaoping River)

Gaoping River is the largest river in Taiwan by volume. The Gaoping River is the second longest river in Taiwan. It is located on the southern part of the Taiwan. flowing through Pingtung County and Kaohsiung City. The source of the Gaoping River is from the Central Mountain Range.

(蘭陽溪 The Lanyang River)

The river flows through Yilan County.  Lanyang is a river in northeast Taiwan. The source is coming from the Nanhu mountain and exit to the Pacific Ocean. The Langyang river crate the Lanyang plain to product the rice in Yilan.

(立霧溪 Liwu River)

The Liwu River is a river located in Xiulin Township, Hualien County

The deep gorges of Taroko National Park are formed by the Liwu River

The source of the Liwu River is located between Hehuanshan and Qilai Mountain in the Central Mountain Range. And you can go to the nine turns tunnel, 燕子口, to enjoy the beauty of marble cliff along the Liwu River.

(秀姑巒溪Xiuguluan River)

The Xiuguluan River is the eight-longest river in Taiwan

It is located in the southeastern part of the island. It flows through the Huadong Valley before emptying into the Pacific Ocean in Fengbin, Hualien.

It is the largest river in eastern Taiwan, The river is known for its many rapids and has become a prime destination for rafting


以上分享給大家參考囉! 我們國立故宮博物院見!

有任何問題歡迎私訊我的 E-mail: boboro@mail2000.com.tw

// 劉智湧



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